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Pendleton Oregon


Pendleton Woolen Mills

Pendleton Woolen Mills

As we drive into Pendleton, a billboard advertising the Pendleton Woolen Mills Factory Store catches our eye and we think we might look there for a blanket.  It would be a delightful and very useful souvenir and a fun addition to our Hudson Bay Blanket (purchased on our honeymoon in Canada –And which we didn’t think to pack in the camper for this trip!)  Taking the first exit into the city center, we notice a large factory type building with the name of Pendleton Woolen Mills on the side but it doesn’t look open and there are no directional signs at the intersection so we continue on into town.  Pendleton is an old town that is very much alive and well. There are a lot of beautiful old western buildings and the downtown area seems to be thriving with lots of stores and cute little shops with clever intriguing names. It is also quite busy with a lot of people on the streets.  It is good to see a town with a downtown that is “alive”. The fun energy invites us to stay; but we are looking for the outlet store, so drive back toward the old factory building we had noticed at the first exit on the edge of town. We still don’t see any directional signs and just keep winding our way around in our VW camper bus until strangely, there it is– the factory outlet store! Our internal GPS (instinct?) seems to be working! The actual store apparently isn’t visible from the interstate, as it was the older ‘unoccupied-looking’ building behind that we had seen.

Inside, we expect to see blankets and are surprised with a large room of western-style clothing instead and only a few blankets and woolen articles in one section.  Adjoining this retail store, though, is a large warehouse type room with piles of blanket “seconds”. This must be the old ‘mill’ building. It is fun to see all of the patterns on the blankets especially on the full open blankets hanging on the walls showing off the colors and patterns. We decide we definitely need to buy one! We find a color and pattern we like but only in a King size—a bit large for our little Volkswagen camper’s twin bed!  A very pleasant and helpful clerk searches in their storeroom and finds a twin-size for us. We are excited with our find. This is a great souvenir AND it matches our Westy camper colors perfectly!

Our Pendleton Blanket

Our Pendleton Blanket




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