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We really like Pendleton


Everything is fully charged so we decide to head out – a bit reluctantly. We really like Pendleton. It has proven to be very friendly. The energy is comfortable. The difference between Pendleton and Idaho City is amazing. We didn’t care to hang around Idaho City at all and could linger in Pendleton even longer. There isn’t a burgeoning growth but a feeling of being very settled and content with minimal growth.  It is an old town with beautiful old houses and buildings, simple plain houses,  nice stores, and a bustling downtown all emitting an easy, friendly, and happy energy.

Climbing back into the bus, we are surprised at the temperature! The day has warmed up while we were enjoying our visit at Starbucks. Inside our camper is about 120’ after being closed up so long.  Once on the road, though, with the wind blowing through the open windows, it cools off to about 105’—still pretty hot in a VW Camper Bus with only open windows for air conditioning!  So much for needing a blanket–and here we are with our new Pendleton Woolen Mills specialty. Oh well, it is still a great souvenir!

Heading west, we drive through the dry land farming area around Pendleton. The heat of the day makes this all look hotter and dryer and more endless than it probably is.

Grain Fields

Grain Fields

Dropping down another hill into the Umatilla area, we are out of the dry land farming and into the irrigated farms.  Also along here is the Army Depot where munitions are stored underground in mounds covered with earth. It looks like earthen hay stacks. 




More Mounds

More Mounds

There are miles of them.





Two of our camping options for this evening seem to be not too far from Pendleton but are 40 miles apart. Both campsites appear to be right on the interstate again as last night’s camp was. This seems to be typical of the Oregon State campgrounds, so something besides location will have to help us choose which one and how soon we stop. Our first choice, and the closest, is the Deschutes River Recreation Area.

By now, it is almost 3 p.m. and not only is it a warm drive, it has become extremely windy which must be the ‘gorge’ affect. With no aerodynamics, a VW Bus, is like a big wall in the wind. Our drive time and gas mileage are seriously compromised. So it is just as well we aren’t planning to drive very far.

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