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Dog River Coffee



As we make our way back up the hill toward the camper, Tea Time strikes and we stop at Dog River Coffee, one of several local ‘coffee’ houses to have a ‘cup of tea’ –seems like a contradiction, doesn’t it — tea at a coffee house! But we are thankful to have good tea available so we can justify the lingering moments to enjoy the atmosphere and energy of the town a little longer. And this is a funky little place – not exactly little, it is actually quite spacious—and a contradiction within itself. It seems to be a clash (or is it a merge?) of antique-secondhand store-‘50’s diner- retro-cyber café-Starbucks! Chrome dinette tables and chairs are blended with heavy ornate oak tables and chairs, a coffee bar and casual sitting areas of upholstered sofas and chairs.  1950’s & ‘60’s posters and record album covers decorate the walls and half a dozen people are work on computers. coffee-shop-md





coffee-shop-1-mdcoffee-shop-2-mdWe order our tea at the counter and are told to have a seat. We choose a table in the window where we can observe the activity on the street. Our tea arrives, served in a teapots with mugs on small tin trays (40’s style now?!) It is fun. We chuckle at this contrast in styles. The tea is delicious.







Back up the hill to the camper, we notice something tucked under the wiper blade and wonder if we lingered a little too long, letting the meter expire. The meter is on ‘0’ when we arrive at the bus and the red flag isn’t up yet, so we curiously take the paper out from under the wiper blades.


street-2-md It is a note saying “WOW – Great Van”.  Such fun bringing joy to folks….

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