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Lavender Fields Forever



Our next choice on the map is the Lavender Farm and thanks to the map, we finally find our way to this fun place — a visual delight with a heavenly fragrance! There are Lavender fields that seem to go on forever and Mt Rainer is even more majestic as a backdrop for the lavender.

And here, following us into the parking lot, is the camper we encountered earlier. The driver is still very friendly and we learn she is from Bend, Oregon. She claims to have driven (in her VW Camper) all the way to the Lavender Farm just for their lavender honey!  She takes two of the three jars on the shelf and we follow her suggestion to try this delicacy, taking the last jar. We also purchase a small jar of hand lotion and a couple of postcards. The clerk is also very friendly and offers to take our picture in the lavender field, using our camera.  This is a fun quaint little place – everything lavender including the guest port-a-potties!  We enjoy this experience – worth the challenge of searching and finding!






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