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Family Time


While visiting Tommy’s sister Ginny, we are staying in the house and letting the camper have a rest. We awake with the sounds of her husband Greg preparing to leave for work and get up in time for a short visit with them before seeing Greg off. Ginny eagerly joins us in the bus to go visit Uncle Chuck and Aunt Ruthie who are living in Newberg. Ginny navigates, taking us on the back roads.  This country is beautiful, especially this time of year when all of the crops are growing, the berries are ripening and fruit stands are on every corner. Once at Chuck & Ruth’s, we get a quick tour of their new home (2-3 years) and then into their car for a drive to a little Italian restaurant for lunch in the small town of Layfayette. We always have a great time with Chuck and Ruth – good food and great company. Back at their house, we enjoy being outside on the patio catching up on news of their family and playing with the dogs (their two rescued Bichons, Cocoa and Jake, and their ‘granddog’ Cally, a beautiful friendly golden lab – all very sweet dogs).

After lunch, Ginny has an appointment with Chuck & Ruth’s daughter Teri, to have her hair cut. We drive the opposite direction across to northwest Portland, this time back on the freeway. This is a quaint older part of Portland with some contemporary condos etc, reminding us of Cherry Creek in Denver. We have a wonderful visit with Cousin Teri while she gives Ginny a haircut. When Ginny opts for additional hair treatments, extending the appointment, we walk up a block to Peets Coffee and return with iced coffee for Ginny and tea for us. Enjoying our afternoon refreshments, we continue catching up on current news and reminiscing fun times together.dsc01369dsc01373dsc01374

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