The wind howled all night, shaking the bus and tent so much we fear it will rip the mounts out of the roof. We even consider again taking the tent down in the dark. Of course things were set up in the tent area: table, chairs, stove, storage tub, etc. that will also have to be stored or else some of it might (might? probably–most definitely!) blow away! We snuggle under our Pendleton blanket and finally fall asleep to the roar of the wind.
Waking up to cold (50’F outside and 56’F inside) it seems the wind has let up and stopped beating us around, although it sounds as though it is still blowing in the tops of the trees.
The sun is shining when we finally venture out. Still chilly even with the sun shine and wisps of fog or clouds drifting past, which seems incongruous with the sound of wind. We have some tea and greens, make the bed etc, then walk through the campground in search of the beach. It is a lot closer than we anticipate and walking past a couple of campsites and through more driftwood, we are surprised to step into a wide expanse of beach with waves breaking playfully on the shore. Once there, we laugh at ourselves, realizing that some of what we think is the roaring of the wind is actually waves crashing on the beach. This morning is calm.