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Cattle Drive in Pendleton



Cattle Drive

Cattle Drive

Next stop: gas and ice. We use the last of our Shell gas card money and supplement with the credit card. It has been a nice trip so far with free gas!! And the Westy is getting good gas mileage.

We are enjoying the friendly energy of this old western town and want to hang out a little longer. We decide a cup of tea would be nice about now, and, if we can find a Starbucks, we can charge our phones and computers while using their wireless system to catch up on emails.  We haven’t seen one downtown and wonder if there is one here.

Asking the gas station attendant, we learn that there is indeed a Starbucks — at the very next exit! As we round down the off ramp, we discover a cattle drive. After a we look again, we realize it is a delightful scene made up of impressive life-sized and life-like statues providing a fascinating depiction of the history of Pendleton and the west. The cattle drives might be history, but Pendleton continues to have one of the largest ‘roundups’ in the west. 

Cattle Drive

Cattle Drive

Cattle Drive

Cattle Drive






Cattle Drive

Cattle Drive

Finding the Starbucks is easy. It is a lovely store with a different design and floor plan than we have been in before. There are lots of neat tidy tables next to electrical outlets inviting us to ‘move in’ with all of our electrical equipment and move in we do! Never having used their free Wi-Fi before, we don’t know how to go about getting online and of course don’t remember our password or user ID from registering our card. The manager is very helpful and attempts to get us online with his T-mobile code so we can get to the Starbucks website for further instructions and to find out what our codes are.  We still can’t seem to get online and give up trying, deciding, instead to follow the manager’s ‘if all else fails’ advice and call the 800 number on our card. We should have done this in the first place as it is quick and easy.  We sit, enjoying our tea and sharing a ginger cookie (a yummy treat!) while cleaning up emails, sending emails, and catching up on bookkeeping entries. The phones are finally charged but one computer needs a little more time. We suddenly remember the camera battery and plug it in.

We have been here long enough for the coffee aroma to tempt us into ordering an Americano.  This has now turned into a two hour visit and we need to have more to eat than a cookie. Having a VW Camper in the parking lot is convenient. Julia goes out to the camper and makes almond butter sandwiches which we eat while sipping the Americano and check on campsites for tonight. We continue to hang out, enjoying our meal while the energy flows to our equipment.

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