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Columbia River Gorge


We enter the Columbia River Gorge. Its traffic and recreational uses are interesting and an entertaining diversion to the buffeting wind and we enjoy the sights.


A grain elevator at the river’s edge has a little activity.




Mount Hood

Mount Hood



Rounding a curve, we catch the first glimpse of Mount Hood and the John Day Dam. 




Just below John Day Dam we see a large group of Kite Surfers out having a great time in the wind that must be blowing 50+ mph from the way it is pushing our VW Bus around on the road. A bit further on down the river is a group of wind surfers with a few kite surfers. At least someone can enjoy the strong wind. kite-surfers4wind-surfer2





A couple of barges are headed up river; one is underway and the other is tied off to a mooring line in the river, probably waiting for a tug to take it through the locks at the John Day Dam. Heading downriver is a huge boat that looks like it should be on the Mississippi River.  river-boat1river-barge1




 With the temperature still running around 103’, and the wind blasting through the gorge we are both ready to stop when the first campground comes along.  We pull off at the Deschutes River where the tall trees and green grass look inviting! There are numerous campsites available and we are able to get one with electricity. We choose one on the river side with the expansive lawn and make camp for the night.  The Interstate is nearby, though a little further off the interstate than last night. Still, the traffic noise is about the same – probably noisier with the wind blowing it toward us, and here at this campground, we are lucky to have a rail line on two sides!  One is across the river and one is between the campground and the interstate! They sound like they are rumbling through the campground…oh well; at least they don’t last very long! We’ll let you know tomorrow how well we sleep.  

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