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Camping at the Deschutes



Camping at the Deschutes Camp Ground is an interesting experience– Hot, Cold, Wind, Cars, Trucks, Trains…

We make up the bed with the blanket on–we HAVE to use our new blanket, even though it is the warmest night we’ve had in a week!  At first the camper is hot from the 105 degree heat during the day and we start the night out with all the windows and the hatch open to help cool it off for sleeping. We are on top of the sheets (and blanket). The wind is blowing and it keeps blowing and blowing…. We thought it would lay by when the sun went down however it seems to be getting stronger through the night. At least it helps to muffle the sounds from the interstate and the two rail road lines that are keeping us entertained all night!  Finally, the temperature starts to cool off and we start closing the windows, eventually pulling the blanket over us, sleeping really snug in our cozy little VW camper under our new Pendleton souvenir—really glad we have it now! 

As the sky gets light, the wind is STILL blowing and keeps us from wanting to get up and go out into it. Our camper is quite comfy. We finally face the day and, as usual, once up it’s not too bad. In fact, it is a beautiful morning, despite the wind –cool and refreshing; such a contrast from the heat of yesterday afternoon.  We ease into the day, enjoying the large expanse of lawn, the tall trees and being next to the water. The Deschutes River is beautiful in the morning light. 


Mid-morning, we gather our gear, pack up the camper and move out, bracing ourselves for the windy drive. VW Buses are such fun in the wind!  And it is WINDY –there are whitecaps on the Columbia River!   Our first view of Mt Hood this morning is gorgeous in the clear with blue skies. The wind must have blown some of the haze from yesterday away….at least it was good for something! The activity on the river is interesting and fun to see as we spot a barge headed downriver to the locks at the Dalles Dam.



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