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The Berry Patch


There are a few more stops on the map, before the ‘loop’ takes us back into town. Some aren’t open for the season yet, or at least not on the weekday.  We opt for the Berry Patch which advertises raspberries as well as blueberries. This is like driving into someone’s farm for sure. horse-at-berry-farm-medium




We turn off the road and head the camper up a long driveway past a home and around some HUGE garden areas, one of which has people working in it. The lane ends at a group of buildings.  Climbing out of the bus, we hesitantly walk up to one of the buildings that looks like a barn and the only one that looks like it might be their ‘fruit stand’. It is definitely a barn that has been set up with makeshift tables to hold boxes displaying fresh fruit; empty boxes are piled in the corners, and a few shelves by the door display a small assortment of home-canned jams.   No one is around and there isn’t much produce set out. Finally, a very nice lady comes in. She is quiet but friendly. We learn that she came in from one of the blueberry patches where they are currently picking blueberries. These are FRESH PICKED! We buy a pint each of their raspberries and blueberries. She talks with us a little about the farm and the different types of berries they grow, including Tayberries. Not knowing anything about Tayberries, we decide to try a jar of her homemade Tayberry jam, since the fresh Tayberries aren’t ripe enough for picking yet.  Back into the camper, we drive back out to the main road, this time more aware of the pickers in the blueberry ‘patches’ that earlier appeared to us as large gardens by the main house.mt-hood-from-berry-farm-medium




According to the map, we are only a mile or so from Hood River, which completes the ‘loop’.  Making our way back toward town and the interstate, we find a small gas station/ convenience store where we can easily stop to refuel the bus and restock the ice in the camper icebox without going into town and before getting back on the interstate. While here, two ladies are drooling over our VW Camper and ask if it is for sale. This is a first purchase offer on this trip! We thank them for their interest but decline the offer. They actually act a little miffed that we aren’t interested in negotiating!

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